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Admissions FAQs

Q:  Is Veritas Christian Academy affiliated with a particular denomination?
A:  No, VCA is an independent Christian school, not affiliated with any church or denomination.

Q:  Do you have to be a Christian to attend Veritas Christian Academy?
A:  Veritas is a Discipleship Model Christian school (as opposed to an Evangelism Model Christian school), which means we see our role as coming alongside Christian parents, supporting their desire to educate their children in a Christian environment, and reinforcing beliefs and values that are already being taught in the home.  Therefore, we require that at least one parent be a professing Christian.


Q:  Why a Classical Christian Education?
A:  Please read “Why a Classical Christian Education

Q:  What are the school day hours?
A:  All classes begin at 8:00 a.m., with drop-off starting at 7:30 a.m.  Pre-K students are dismissed at 2:30 p.m., and Kindergarten students are dismissed at 2:45 p.m. with pick-ups for those students only at the front of the school.  Students in 1st through 5th grades are dismissed at 3:00 p.m., and may be picked up in the pickup line between 3:00-3:25 p.m.  Pre-K or Kindergarten students with older siblings may also be picked up during this time instead of at the earlier pickup times.  Students in 6th through 12th grades are dismissed at 3:25 p.m., and may be picked up in the pickup line between 3:30-3:45 p.m.

Q:  Does Veritas offer an after-care program?
A:  Yes.  Students in Pre-K through 12th grade may stay after school for supervised playtime and homework time (if applicable) until 5:30 p.m. each day that school is in session.  The cost for this is $15 per day, per child.  You may register for AfterCare if you know you need it on a regular basis, or it may be utilized on an as-needed basis when the need arises.  Parents are billed the following month for any days they have used the AfterCare program.

Q:  Do students attend Chapel?
A:  Yes.  All of our Grammar School students attend weekly chapel services, and Logic and Rhetoric School students attend Chapel and Small Group meetings with faculty mentors weekly.  Chapel consists of praise and worship music, and a Scripture-based lesson.  Logic and Rhetoric School students also have the opportunity to participate in the Praise Band, using their talents to enhance the music portion of the Chapel service.

Q: What textbooks or curriculum does Veritas Christian Academy use?
A:  Veritas’ curricular objectives are determined not by publishing companies, but by what comports best with the western liberal-arts tradition – the humanities, mathematics, and the sciences – and with the fine and performing arts.  We employ the best texts, materials, and resources that we can find in order to accomplish these objectives.

Q:  What elective courses do you offer, and when do electives begin?
A:  Electives are offered to students in 6th-12th grades. 

Q:  Do you offer Honors and AP courses?
A:  Yes.  Honors classes are available for 9th and 10th grade students, and include Algebra I and II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, World Literature I and II, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Western Civilization I and II, Latin I, II, III, and IV, Spanish I, II, and III, Logic II, Rhetoric I and II, and Philosophy.  AP classes are available for 11th and 12th grade students and include English Language, English Literature, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, US History, US Government, Latin, and Studio Art.  

Q:  We are interested in having our High School student transfer to Veritas.  Will he/she be able to meet Veritas’ graduation requirements?  
A:  In many instances, if a student comes to Veritas from an academically challenging college preparatory and/or a liberal arts preparatory curriculum, the answer is generally “yes.”  We do our best to accommodate students who come in from good educations elsewhere, but which do not conform to our “classical distinctive requirements” – especially with regard to the teaching of logic, Latin, philosophy, theology, and rhetoric – thus still allowing them to graduate from Veritas.  The closer a student is to graduation when they transfer to Veritas, the more difficult it is to make accommodation, and it is extremely rare for a student to be allowed to transfer in for their senior year.  All of our graduates, however, need to meet or exceed our requirements, which include having at least a 2.5 GPA in every course taken.


Credit requirements are as follows:

English – 4 credits, Electives – 3.5 credits, History – 4 credits, Advanced Studies – .5 credit, Mathematics – 3 credits, Theology – .5 credit, Science – 3 credits, Fine Arts – 1 credit, Foreign Language – 3 credits, Physical Education – .5 credit.

Q:  My child is an incoming 7th or 8th grader but has never studied Latin.  What should he/she do to catch up?
A:  Latin, taught once a week, begins in 3rd grade at Veritas, and continues once a week through 5th grade.  This serves to expose our students to Latin and to introduce them to a language they will be studying in-depth in Middle School, with Latin I and II in the 7th and 8th grades, respectively. 

Q:  What foreign languages does Veritas offer?
A:  Veritas students study Latin in grades 3-8.  In addition, Spanish and Latin are offered in grades 9-12.

Q:  Why does Veritas teach Latin and Spanish?

A:  All language has the ability to be a conduit of truth and beauty, as well as to communicate ideas and realities – these are the two purposes of language.  Since the Classical education model seeks to direct its students to truth and beauty through language, Veritas has selected Latin and Spanish as conduits.  Latin has had a unique role in shaping the thoughts and ideas of western civilization; they have been the means by which religion, politics, history, philosophy, literature, and science have all been passed down.  So that the students have access to the foundations of and models for these subjects, Latin is taught, and learning this language gives our students the ability to read many important texts in their original language.

But why read these classical texts at all?  The many classical works that have survived are still with us because of their depth, timelessness and artistry in style, in thought, and in content.  When we read classical literature, we are able to enter directly into a “dialogue” with some of the wisest souls and most fertile minds that God has given us.  When we read such literature in its original language, we do so without the interface from translators, and we consider this to be a treasure for our students to discover and delight in.

Although Spanish is not a primary source of the great thought that western civilization has been built upon, it has a unique role in the western world today.  Because of the dispersion of Spanish-speakers throughout America, learning Spanish allows our students to dialogue and converse with millions in their native tongue.

In addition to the idealistic reasons for learning foreign languages, there are practical reasons as well.  Increased vocabulary, a better grasp and command of grammar, clearer logical thought patterns, and ultimately a superior ability to communicate in general are hallmarks of success in mastering foreign languages, and these benefits cannot be overstated.

Q:  What kind of computer training is available to your students?
A:  Keyboarding is taught in 7th grade, and Introduction to Computers is taught in 9th grade, which includes instruction in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Q:  What colleges or universities have VCA graduates chosen to attend following graduation?
A:  Since graduating our first class in 2005, our students have been accepted to, and have graduated from, some of America’s best colleges and universities.  Contact our College Counselor for more information or questions.

Please note:

Children entering into PreK must be four years old by August 1st of the school year they are applying for. Children must be fully potty trained to be able to enroll into PreK. 

Children entering into Kindergarten must be five years old by August 1 of the school year they are applying for.

Veritas Christian Academy
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