Holy Scripture is filled with references to blessings. The God of the Bible is a blessing God. There are so many references to those who offer a blessing and those who receive blessings. From the beginning of the Bible, God blesses His creation and His creatures. He speaks well on His created order and His creation becomes a means by which God blesses the pinnacle of His creation--Adam and Eve.
While God blesses all those within His creation, “For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Mt. 5:45), God is particularly gracious to those who enter into covenant with Him. It is clear from the Bible that many of God’s blessings are material in nature. God speaks well to His faithful followers but gives much more than more food, shelter, and land.
In His infinite kindness, God provides identity. In our current world that has lost its mind and soul regarding identity, God graciously makes us HIS people. We have a name and are recognized by God and are wonderfully blessed with a likeness to God.
In Scripture, a blessing is often well placed words that are a stark contrast to words that tear down and destroy. It is worth noting that in Classical literature, especially in Virgil's Aeneid rumor is portrayed as a "filthy goddess," and declared “the swiftest of evils” always going about spreading her vile words. One might think that the best counter to destructive false words that tear apart people and places would be the simple truth. Would not truth, plainly spoken, bring such evil words to an end? While one may hope so, it seems that the better counter to gossip is not silence, or truth, but blessing.
God has blessed Veritas beyond measure with all of our current families. So many people who praise the Lord and encourage one another. We have so many families who speak well of one another and speak well to one another. Veritas is blessed to be a community of like-minded people who clearly love God and love one another. It is a blessing being part of such an edifying group.
The year 2022 was filled with blessings from God and we praise and thank Him for all of his good and perfect gifts. We humans long for the state of blessedness or wellness. Sadly, many seek this wellness in various ways, but God bestows His blessings in His wise and merciful manner.
As we move through the year 2023 together, with one another and the Lord, let us diligently seek ways to be a blessing to one another. It is evident that God desires to bless us and a key way He does this is through His people. May the Lord bless us all this year and may He use us to bless many.