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Chrismon Ornaments - A New VCA Tradition

VCA Community

This year Veritas Christian Academy is beginning a new and beautiful tradition. We created our first ever Chrismon Trees. Perhaps you have had an opportunity to see one or more of the three Chrismon Trees in the halls. They are decorated with beautiful ornaments made by Grammar and Logic School art students.

Chrismon ornaments are gold and white ornaments representing centuries-old Christian symbols: the Chris from Christ and Mon from Monogram. They find their origin in the Ascension Lutheran Church of Danville, Virginia, during the 1950s. Based on ancient monograms, the first designs included Greek symbol abbreviations and crosses that honored Jesus Christ and His teachings. Designs have expanded to include many images that celebrate Christ. The White and Gold colors remind us of Christ's purity and God's majesty. The evergreen tree backdrop symbolizes the eternal life Christ offers his followers. The tree's white lights proclaim Christ's role as the Light of the world.

The 2022 Veritas Chrismon Collection contains ornaments made by each grade representing the following symbols:

PreK: Gold Scallop Shell, to remind of us baptism and profession of faith

Kindergarten: Star of Bethlehem, pointing us to the Babe in the Manger

First Grade: Ichthus Fish, reminding us of the earliest Christians

Second Grade: Lamb, representing Christ the Good Shepherd and the Lamb of God

Third Grade: The Babe in the Manger

Fourth Grade: White Doves, representing the peace of Christ

Fifth Grade: Angel, bringing us Good Tidings of Great Joy

Logic: Various crosses representing the crucifixion and resurrection of our Savior

This Wednesday, students will bring home their special Chrismon ornament, carefully wrapped to share with your family. Please be on the lookout for them as most of them are delicate and fragile. We know you will treasure these beautiful heirloom ornaments for years to come and we already greatly anticipate the 2023 Chrismon Collection!

Merry Christmas!



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